Kurtzmann Piano Value By Serial Number
If you own a Kurtzmann piano, you might be curious about its value and history. Kurtzmann pianos are known for their high quality and craftsmanship, but they are no longer in production. How can you determine the value of your Kurtzmann piano by its serial number? Here are some tips and facts to help you.
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Who was Kurtzmann?
Christian Kurtzmann was a German immigrant who established his piano company in Buffalo, New York in 1848. He started out making upright and square pianos, and later added grand, baby grand, and player pianos to his product line. He also built pianos under the names of Brockport, Capen, and Witney. Kurtzmann had a reputation of building high quality pianos that were used in concert halls, restaurants, elite hotels, and private homes of the affluent. He died in 1886, but his sons Louis and Charles continued the business until 1935, when the Wurlitzer Company bought C. Kurtzmann & Co. and stopped making Kurtzmann pianos in 1938.
How to find the serial number of your Kurtzmann piano?
The serial number of your Kurtzmann piano is a unique identifier that can tell you when and where it was made. The serial number is usually located on the metal plate or frame inside the piano, near the tuning pins or strings. You might need to lift the lid or remove the front panel to see it. Sometimes, the serial number is also stamped on the soundboard, the back of the piano, or the keyboard action. If you can't find the serial number on your piano, you can try contacting a piano technician or a piano appraiser for help.
How to use the serial number to estimate the age of your Kurtzmann piano?
Once you have found the serial number of your Kurtzmann piano, you can use it to estimate its age by comparing it to a list of serial numbers and corresponding years of manufacture. You can find such a list online or in a book like Pierce Piano Atlas. For example, if your Kurtzmann piano has a serial number of 64118, you can look it up on the list and see that it was made in 1910. However, keep in mind that these lists are not always accurate or complete, and they might not include all the models and variations of Kurtzmann pianos. Therefore, you should use them as a general guide only and not as a definitive source of information.
How to use the serial number to determine the value of your Kurtzmann piano?
The serial number of your Kurtzmann piano can give you some clues about its value, but it is not enough to determine its exact worth. The value of a piano depends on many factors besides its age, such as its condition, size, model, style, finish, sound quality, rarity, and market demand. To get a more accurate appraisal of your Kurtzmann piano's value, you should consult a professional piano appraiser or dealer who can inspect your piano in person and compare it to similar pianos that have been sold recently. You can also do some research online or offline to see what other people are asking or paying for Kurtzmann pianos like yours. However, remember that the value of a piano is ultimately determined by what someone is willing to pay for it at a given time and place.
Kurtzmann pianos are valuable instruments that have a rich history and a loyal following among piano enthusiasts. If you want to know more about your Kurtzmann piano's value by its serial number, you should first find out where the serial number is located on your piano and then use it to estimate its age by comparing it to a list of serial numbers and years of manufacture. However, this is only a rough estimate and not a definitive answer. To get a more precise valuation of your Kurtzmann piano, you should contact a professional piano appraiser or dealer who can evaluate your piano based on its condition, size, model, style, finish, sound quality, rarity, and market demand.